Love the the tutorials from free weights to yoga and that you can participate in survey testing to earn rewards!
Love the the tutorials from free weights to yoga and that you can participate in survey testing to earn rewards!
This app helps me mix up my workout when I’m in the gym or traveling. I get great tips on weightlifting as well as running and yoga!
"Workout" is almost too narrow a definition for what this app offers. Everything-resistance, stretch, cardio, pilates, mass, core, nutrition, toning, yoga, hardcore, etc.-covering physical health and movement are in dozens if not hundreds of videos. Absolutely well worth it.
This app is great for mixing things up, trying new workouts and keep from hitting plateaus.
Really has everything you need to know about working out and getting fit!! No complaints here!!!
A lot of excellent video and great choices. Has something for everyone. Bodybuilder, weightlifting, fat loss, and much more. Useful for learning and watching step by step instructions. A lot of great personal trainers, physical therapist and fitness experts presenting the videos.
Have gained knowledge on many new workout routines that better isolate muscle growth.